16 Nov 2013

Goodbye Public Speaking Fear!

Are you nervous of appearing before an audience? Do you think it's scary when you're asked to talk in front of a crowd? Do you panic whenever you're in front of  an audience? If you said "yes" in any of the three questions then you have "Stage Fright". You have the feeling of nervousness & fear whenever you appear before the audience. Believe it or not 75% of people experience some form of "stage fright" or "performance anxiety". In this post, I am going to share 10 tips for you to lessen your fear & improve your speaking skills! 

1. Know your material.   It is important for you to know your topic before delivering a speech. Remember that you have to give out the correct information about that certain subject. Also, never get out of your subject, it is okay to add different examples but still focus on your topic. "The best way to sound like you know what you're talking about is to know what you're talking about." said Harvey Mackay. 

2. Know the audience.    One of the great factors in speaking is knowing your audience. Say for example, children are your audience, you wouldn't want to be talking about a topic that doesn't concern them or maybe using a language that is not conversational. Remember that one of your targets is to get the attention of your audience. 

3. Relax.    Who doesn't get nervous talking in front of a crowd? Believe me, even the pros get nervous too! But one thing that you have to remember is don't let your nervousness overcome you. Do not think about you forgetting your lines or embarrassing yourself in front of many, think positively! When you start thinking about good things, I'm sure you'll feel relaxation. Begin by addressing your audience. It buys time and helps calm your nerves. Just pause & smile. 

4. Visualize yourself giving your speech.   Imagine yourself delivering your speech wonderfully. Your voice loud, proper gestures, speaking fluently then after the audience clapping and smiling at you. Just imagine being successful - this will boost your confidence! 

5. Realize that people want you to succeed.  Your audience is not nervous, not at all! Just think that they want you to deliver your speech confidently. Think that they would be bored if ever they see you nervous. Remember tip number 2, the target is to aim the attention of your audience. They want you to be great & you want them to clap for you. 

6. Look decent.   You gain your confidence when you know you look appropriate. You can be classified by the audience as professional when you exert the proper posture & gesture a speaker should have. Just imagine a person slouching and talking lazily while speaking, don't you think it's a disgrace? That my friend is very improper and unprofessional. Stand tall, do not slouch, smile and don't show any unnecessary movement. 

7. Don't fill the void.  Avoid saying "ummmmmmm", "uhhhhhh", "errrrrr" or any other sounds or words when you have nothing else or you forgot what to say to fill the silence. Trust me, as a viewer it really is irritating. Instead of saying such sounds or words, just pause for a couple of seconds and regain what you have to say. Believe me,  those pauses aren't as long as you think it is. 

8. Formality.  It is not bad to have humor in your speech, in fact it is a great element in speaking. Though, too much jokes may destroy your professional speech. In delivering a great speech, you must give the correct information or opinion, have a bit of humor, share examples or personal experiences & entertain, converse or interact with your audience. 

9. Gain experience.   You do speaking almost every day, your recitation in school is an example. Having a variety of experience can make you feel confident about yourself and your words. Build your confidence, which is your key in effective speaking. 

10. Be yourself.   Last but definitely not the least is to be yourself. You need to have passion in what you're doing in order to be an effective speaker. Just have fun, relax and basically be you. Your speech represents you. Your words, actions and your poise define who you really are. 

-Danielle Tan 

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