14 Dec 2014

Christmas Balls or Graham Balls?

                                                  This is one of my guilty pleasures, IS2G. This is one of my favorite things in the world. This is my alternative to popcorn - said my mama. I know it will be yours too, soon enough, if you get a bite of it.
                                                   I want to share this to you because I want you to enjoy the Christmas vibes with good food! This is perfect as a gift or as additional food in your Christmas family gathering. This is really quick and easy, the only hard part is that you'll be tempted to eat while preparing.

                                                     And oh, I usually don't help my mom in preparing this. I'm a professional "taga-taste" only; professional eater. So thanks Ma, for preparing this, my ultimate medicine. She was also the one who  told me the procedures and insisted me on blogging this. :)

  • Crushed Graham Crackers - M.Y San Grahams (you can buy a pack from any supermarket near you or if you'd like, you can crush the graham crackers instead; though why torture yourself if you can actually buy one with  almost the same price and result, right?
  • Condensed Milk 
  • Marshmallows 
  • Sprinkles/Powdered sugar (optional)
1. Put the condensed milk and crushed graham into a bowl. Mix it all together, that's how we roll! 
2. Using a spoon, roll the marshmallow with the mixture of condensed + crushed graham balls.
3. Roll it with some crushed graham.
4. Roll and roll it with your clean hands, form a circle. Whatever size you want. 
5. Sprinkle powdered sugar or sprinkles on it. (Optional) 
6. Chill it in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes but if you can't wait then devour it!  

                                                     It isn't that hard, isn't it? You better get in the kitchen and try it now! Wouldn't miss a chance, right? Make someone's day by sharing. Make yourself satisfied. Make it a merry merry Christmas! Now, I ask you, Christmas Balls or Graham Balls? Enjoy! 

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